Monday, January 29, 2007


I am doing 3 novena's starting today. Today I am starting with St. Anthony of Padua, after this one is completed I'm going to do one to St. Therese and then end with St. Dominic. I'm doing three...praying that God will CLEARLY show me where it is that He is calling me to. It's scheduled to end on a certain day and after it's all done I shall let you all know what I have received!

I desire to be a religious and to GIVE MY LIFE ENTIRELY to JESUS....come...fill my HEART with the Holy Spirit and HIS me LORD where it is you are specifically calling me to. Please send me a sign. THANK YOU JESUS.

Novena to St. Anthony of Padua

O wonderful St. Anthony,glorious on account of the fame of your miracles,and through the condescension of Jesusin coming in the form of a little child to rest in your arms,obtain for me of His bounty the gracewhich I ardently desire from the depths of my heart...
(State your intention here.)
You who were so compassionate toward miserable sinners,regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to you,but the glory of God that it may once again be magnifiedby the granting of the particular request...
(Request your intention here.)
which I now ask for with persevering earnestness.
Next, recite in honour of St. Anthony...
Our Father,Hail Mary,Glory Be to the Father.
Saint Anthony, pray for us!

O holy St. Anthony,gentlest of saints,your love for God and charity for his creaturesmade you worthy while on earth to possess miraculous powers.Miracles waited your word,which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.Encouraged by this thought,I implore you to obtain for me the favor I seek in this novena...
(State your intention here.)
The answer to my prayer may require a miracle;even so, you are the saint of miracles.O gentle and loving Saint Anthony,whose heart was ever full of human sympathy,whisper my petition into the ears of the Infant Jesus,who loved to be folded in your arms,and thee gratitude of my heart will always be yours.
Next, recite in honour of St. Anthony...
Our Father,Hail Mary,Glory Be to the Father.
Saint Anthony, pray for us!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Jesus MY Spouse

This is a poem I wrote...desiring to becoming Jesus' Spouse!

Scourging pains inside
trapped like a desert storm
Lord seeking
Open your scarred hands
To receive thy grace
To enter into your loving presence at thy pace
The narrow road only I follow
To wander to your holy land
To feel the tenderness love of thy hand
Lord my body yearns
To be your beautiful Spouse
In the court of your kingdom forever
In thy sacred house
My heart beating so fervently
As I look upon my Spouse
One whom I seek forever; forever in your house.

Inspirational Thoughts...God Bless YOU!

*Just when we think we've failed, we're actually in the middle of building up to a great success that's far more wonderful than we can imagine. It might not be the outcome we're expecting, it might not be in the direction we started, but it will happen if we listen to Jesus and try again.

*When someone mumbles, "Pray for me," do you put aside whatever you're doing and immediately pray with that person so that he or she feels affirmed and cared about? Anyone can develop a prayer ministry -- yes anyone! And the results (which are up to God, not you and how well you pray) will sometimes be downright miraculous. You have the same Jesus alive in you who worked miracles through Peter and John.

*We all have people in our lives whose behavior angers us. Righteous anger includes forgiveness; sinful anger wants vengeance. If we're walking down the aisle in Mass to receive Communion while refusing to love anyone, how can we love the Christ in the Eucharist, who has united himself to the community (that's what "communion" means) including that person with whom you're angry? How can we receive love while our hearts are closed to love?

*To ignore the need to heal from our anger is to stifle the Holy Spirit within us. We grow in the Spirit when we accept the difficult challenge of humbling ourseleves so that we can give love to those who don't deserve our love. It's up to you. Do you want to grow?

May God continue to pour forth HIS grace into your hearts...may HE fill you with HIS everlasting love!

My Love for JESUS!

I wrote this during Adoration one day in front of the Blessed Sacrament....

O'Lord your love is so beautiful as your adorned Bride ever so fervently awaiting to be welcomed into your holy place as a beLoved religious sister. Oh how my heart longs to be with you. May your sweet gentle kisses embrace me ever more. The burning desire in my heart to touch your holy be united in your forever....married as one Bride of Christ in your kingdom forever!My lips love to adore your holy name. My lips sing praises to your name. Ahh...Jesus love r of my soul...will you so desire to take my hand and place it upon your lips so I can feel your run through my body. Ah....what joy could ever be so unexplainable. Your mercy so tender for such a terrible sinner as I Lord how unbelievable your unconditional is for me, but not just for me for everyone...For God so love d the world that he gave His only betgotten Son, that whoever believes in me may have eternal life. Wow...Jesus their are no such beautiful words then explain your love , sacrifice, mercy, honor, patients, grace...oh how the list is unending. Lord take me as I am, take it all, I'd sacrifice anything to be your BRIDE!