Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007


In the days immediately following Jesus' death and resurrection, the apostles weren't quite sure what to do next, so they made their way back to their boats and went fishing. And they caught nothing until Jesus intervened and showed them where the fish were. The abundant catch they made then is legendary.

But this gospel is about something a lot more important than fish. The abundant catch is a metaphor for the abundance of God's gifts, most especially the gift of His friendship, which we call grace. And when exactly did they find that super-catch of fish? When they let the Lord, who sees all things clearly, guide them.

If we develop the habit of listening to the Lord who at every moment dwells within us, He will guide our hands and strengthen our hearts to know the good and to do it.

Trust that and listen.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Sunday

Let there be light.

“…the LORD my God lightens my darkness.” - Ps. 18:28

Situation Explained
What’s your forecast look like this week? What’s the seven day outlook?
Are you having spiritually sunny days or spiritually dark days, these days?

...there are two types of darkness
Solution Offered
Something very simple but quite profound hit me in prayer recently: there are two types of darkness, God-made and manmade.

Let me offer an example. In the morning, my bedroom is dark, first because it is prior to sunrise but also because I have chosen to draw the shades and eliminate any trace of light from my room.

God brings light to the darkness in His time, but whether or not I allow that light in, and the amount of light I allow into my life and reality…that is my decision.

Sometimes we go through “dark times” in our lives, moments in which we can’t see or hear or feel God’s light. Sometimes those dark times are because in that moment God’s allowing the darkness, in time He will reveal His presence again. Those are the times of darkness that God permits – they are God made. We might grow cold or feel out of control, but God is very much in control, we just need to be patient to feel the warmth of His light, once again.

Sometimes, though, we go through “dark times” in our lives, dark times that are manmade. These are a result of our decisions, actions or pride. Times such as these, of difficulty or pain, suffering or anxiety are not a result of God’s plan but a result of our sin. We wind up in these kind of situations because we seek to be in control, to control “how much light we let into the room”. We draw the shades to our soul, diffusing and eventually expelling God’s light completely, until we are left out of controland sitting in the darkness: cold, lost and alone.

Sometimes we draw the shades to our soul quickly. Other times we draw them slowly, one blind at a time until we are left spiritually blind. We reject the light because it hurts our eyes. We gravitate to the darkness over time and slowly lose all perspective of what it’s like to live in the light. Again, for some people it’s gradual, for others it’s drastic…and for others, it’s a constant spiritual struggle, to live and to stay in the light.

So, how about you? Have you drawn the shades to your soul? Are you choosing to eliminate or control the amount of sunlight that enters your inner room, the Son’s light?

Ponder what God has to say about this tension between light and darkness, pray with me:

“God is light and in him is no darkness at all.” - 1 John 1:5

“For you are all sons of light and sons of the day; we are not of the night or of darkness.” - 1 Thes. 5:5

“He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in the darkness still. But he who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.” - 1 John 2:9-11

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5

“I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.” - John 12:46

Scripture, in a sense, dilates the pupils of our souls. It opens our eyes wider in times of darkness and allows in more light, helping us to see more clearly as darkness encircles us. Prayer does the same thing.

One of the tools of the devil is to make you believe that your darkness is God made (the lie) instead of manmade (the truth), that way, we’re left wanting to blame God for the darkness rather than ourselves. Thus, we refuse to act and we are left, stuck and trapped in the darkness.

Ask yourself this day – how bright is your life?
If there is darkness, where is it coming from?

If it’s from God, don’t worry the sun will rise soon.
If it’s from you, stop what you’re doing, fall on your knees and rip open the shades to your soul. God is waiting to shower you with light.

Salvation Given
“…the LORD my God lightens my darkness.” - Ps. 18:28

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Palm Sunday

Passion (Palm) Sunday

They brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks across its back, and he sat on it. (Mark 11:7)
..His coming is a revelation, a radical, total revelation of God's holiness."Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory...". Precisely this Week which humanly speaking is filled to the brim with suffering, humiliation, despoliation, in a word, with the kenosis of God this Week contains the revelation of God's holiness, the culmination of world history. "Holy, Holy, Holy.... Hosanna in the highest"....
To embrace the Cross on this day, to pass it from hand to hand, is a very eloquent gesture. It is like saying: Lord, we do not want to stay with you only at the time of the "Hosannas", but with your help we want to accompany you on the way of the Cross as did Mary, your mother and ours, and the Apostle John. Yes, O Lord, because "You have the words of eternal life" (Jn 6:68), and we have believed that precisely your Cross is the word of life, of eternal life!

Lenten Fact

According to the account of a fifth-century Spanish pilgrim to the Holy Land, Passion Sunday Mass was celebrated in Jerusalem at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. After this the people were invited to meet again in the afternoon at the Mount of Olives, in the Church of Eleona (the grotto of the Our Father). They then proceeded to the Church of the Ascension for a service consisting of hymns and antiphons, readings and prayers, where at five o'clock in the afternoon the Gospel of the palms was read and the procession set out for the city. The people responded to the antiphons with the acclamation, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord," as we say even today.

Lenten Action.

A diet of amoral and immoral programs can and will corrupt your values. Do you control the media you watch and listen to?.


Lord, you have satisfied our hunger with this eucharistic food. The death of your Son gives us hope and strengthens our faith.
May his resurrection give us perseverance and lead us to salvation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Please if ya'll could....pray for me. I'm going to visit a community this weekend. That we may have safe travels and that I may be open to the Lord's call and voice. It's my first time ever visiting a NON active community so please pray for me! I will return sometime on Sunday. After I have regathered myself I'll post on my retreat! Thanks!

God Love You,


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

St. Wulfram

Although we do not have a record of Wulfram’s birth, it is thought that he died on March 20, 704. Wulfram’s father, Fulbert, was an officer in King Dagobert’s army and was able to provide a good education for Wulfram. As a young man, Wulfram was very devout and strived to live a holy life. He became a priest and his intention was to live a monastic life, but he was called to the Court of Theodoric III of Neustria.

In the year 682 he was consecrated Archbishop of Sens. For two years, he carried out his duties with zeal and great piety. In his compassion and concern for those who did not know Christ, he decided to leave his bishopric to go minister to them. After a brief retreat in Fontenelle, Wulfram, now a poor missionary priest, went to a place called Friseland. He knew there to be many idolaters in this area and he wanted to lead them all to Christ. He baptized many, delivering them from their terrible pagan ways which included human sacrifice.

In one incident, a man named Ovon was to be sacrificed and was hanged. Wulfram pleaded for the man’s life and finally the pagans agreed that if Ovon lived that he would be released and could worship Wulfram’s God and be Wulfram’s slave. Wulfram then went to an area alone to pray. Ovon had been hanging for two hours and was considered dead, however, the rope suddenly broke and he fell to the ground. He was alive and the pagans released him to Wulfram.

A son of King Radbod, seeing a miracle performed by Wulfram, decided to become a Christian and was instructed along with other catechumens. Just prior to being baptized, he asked where his deceased ancestors might be in the next world. When Wulfram replied that idolaters were consigned to hell, the prince changed his mind about being a Christian stating that he would rather spend the hereafter with those he loved. Later he had second thoughts and sent for St. Willebrord, to discuss a conversion to Christianity but before Willebrord could arrive, the prince died.

Wulfram retired to the Abbey of Fontenelle where he resided until his death.

Other Saints We Remember Today

St. Photina (1st Century), Samaritan Woman at the Well


Saint Wulfram's relics were moved to Notre Dame at Abbeville in 1058. His feast day is celebrated on March 20.


Lord Jesus, we ask for the intercession of Saint Wulfram when we are dealing with those who are spiritually blind. Help us, Lord, to be good witnesses to the idol worshippers we encounter; those who prefer to store up worldly treasures with no thought or care about their eternal souls. May our words and deeds help convert their hearts. Amen.

St. Wulfram, Pray for us!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Devotion to St. Joseph is growing. And there are good reasons for it. Here is but one reason to love the man.

In God's plan to save the world, God wanted to be with us in the flesh. He wanted to save us through the "Word made flesh". As part of that plan, God designed a certain woman to be the one who, at the proper time, would bear His Son, provide Him with a human nature, give birth to Him, and raise Him up. That woman is Mary. God created her and equipped her with all the graces she needed for her particular mission to be the Mother of God.

So when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in Nazareth, announcing her calling to bear Jesus, God's plan for being with us and saving us in the flesh depended entirely on Mary's "yes". Although God had marvelously prepared and graced Mary for this moment, it nonetheless remained her free choice to heed the call. And because it was her free choice, we can truly say that at the moment of the annunciation, our salvation was in her hands. Without Mary's freely chosen "yes", God's plan for our salvation would have been ruined.

The same is true for St. Joseph, but not at the moment of the annunciation. Because God had decided to send His Son into the world as an infant, God was exposing his infant Son to all the murderous violence of this world. And according to Scripture, at one point the murderous violence of this world went from being a general threat to being aimed at Jesus in particular. Herod and his men set out to kill the infant messiah-king. Because of their murderous intent, the life and mission of Jesus was in real danger of being snuffed out early.

But God had foreseen all this. And so in advance He designed a certain man to be the one who, at the proper time, would come to the protection of the Child and His mother. That man is Joseph. God created him and equipped him with all the graces he would need for his particular mission to be the earthly Father of Jesus. As an example of such graces, one needs only to think of Joseph's many dreams and interpretations.

So when Joseph heard from the angel in the dream, "rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you" (Mt. 2:13), he was now in a situation similar to Mary at the annunciation. Although God had marvelously prepared and graced Joseph for this moment, it nonetheless remained Joseph's free choice to take action. It was his free choice to trust what he had heard in the dream. It was his free choice to heed the call to flee and to heed it immediately (Mt. 2:14 says he rose "by night" — as though on the very night he had the dream). It was his free choice to take his wife and newborn on a long, dangerous, and unplanned trip to a foreign land. And it was his free choice obediently to remain in Egypt while awaiting further notice from above. Because all of this was Joseph's free choice, we can truly say that so long as Herod lived and remained a threat to Jesus, our salvation was in Joseph's hands.

Whoever saves the King saves the kingdom. And St. Joseph saved the King.

For that, we all owe him an eternal weight of gratitude.

Br. James Brent, O.P.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Please help my debt situation so that I may enter the convent!  I've been delayed once already!  Please view the link below.  May God reward you for your generosity!!!

God Love You!


When you click on the link off to the right hand side there will be a little box that you can enter your amount...you can donate up to 50 dollars.  If you'd like to donate more I think you can *donate* again.  Again, God reward you! If you need references for this for knowing that the money is going towards this let me know!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Lenten Cross

one's cross
To follow
Jesus Christ
If you are ashamed of the Cross of Jesus Christ
he will be ashamed of you before his Father
the Cross
May Jesus prevail
May his Cross prevail
Divine love

.....St. Louis de Montfort
But each has his own special gift from God, one of one kind and one of another. To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is well for them to remain single as I do. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion" (1 Corinthians 7:7-9). Thus some are given the gift of being able to live without the good of married life in order that they may pursue greater devotion to God (1 Cor. 7:32-34) or to pursue greater ministry for others (2 Timothy 2:3-4), as with priests, monks, and nuns. God gives these people special graces to live the life which they have embraced, just as he gives special graces to the married to live the life they have embraced.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Into Great Silence. Are you interested in buying a copy through the NLM if you could?
The NLM has been approached with an opportunity and is thus exploring the possibility of making available for purchase to readers the much anticipated film, Into Great Silence, which as most should know by now, looks in depth at the monastic and semi-eremetical lives of the Carthusian monks of La Grande Chartreuse.To make this feasible and fruitful for the NLM (especially as a lot of work and organization would be involved), it would require a certain number of pre-orders, followed by collection of payment and shipping information so that I could then safely tell the supplier how many copies would be needed and pay them accordingly. Copies would cost $30.00 USD plus shipping and handling. (Shipping and Handling would likely be $10 USD to locations in Canada and the Continental USA.)However, if the NLM is to pursue this, we need firm committments of people who would be ready to commit to ordering this product through the NLM as of March. As such, those who are interested, please go here and fill in your name and email address (so that I may ascertain the level of interest): Form to Express Interest in Ordering DVD from the NLMAs the numbers matter in determining whether to move ahead with this, only those committing to ordering this through the NLM should put their name on the form. The formal decision will be made when numbers are sufficient, or by the last week in Februrary, whichever comes first.Please spread the word on your own blogs about this. The DVD seems worth promoting and getting into people's hands.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Worship quiz that I took...



















Intellectual - Loving God with the Mind:These Christians live in the world of concepts. They may feel closest to God when they first understand something new about Him.

Contemplative - Loving God through Adoration:These Christians seek to love God with the purest, deepest, and brightest love imaginable. They want nothing more than some privacy and quiet to gaze upon the face of their heavenly Lover and give all of themselves to God.

Enthusiast - Loving God with Mystery & Celebration:Excitement and mystery in worship is the spiritual lifeblood of enthusiasts. They are inspired by joyful celebration; cheerleaders for God and the Christian life. They don't want to just know concepts, but to experience them, to feel them, and to be moved by them. They like to let go and experience God on the precipice of excitement and awe.

Caregiver - Loving God by Loving Others:Caregivers serve God by serving others. They often claim to see Christ in the poor and needy, and their faith is built up by interacting with other people. Caring for others recharges a caregiver's batteries.

Activist - Loving God Through Confrontation:These Christians define worship as standing against evil and calling sinners to repentance. They are energized more by interaction with others, even in conflict, than by being alone or in small groups. Activists are spiritually nourished through the battle.

Ascetic - Loving God in Solitude and Simplicity:Ascetics want nothing more than to be left alone in prayer. Let there be nothing to distract them--no pictures, no loud music--and leave them alone to pray in silence and simplicity.

Traditionalist - Loving God Through Ritual and Symbol:Traditionalists are fed by what are often termed the historic dimensions of faith: rituals, symbols, sacraments, and sacrifice. They tend to have a disciplined life of faith and have a need for ritual and structure.

Sensate - Loving God with the Senses:Sensate Christians want to be lost in the awe, beauty, and splendor of God. They are drawn particularly to the liturgical, the majestic, the grand. They want to be filled with sights, sounds, and smells that overwhelm them. The five senses are God's most effective inroad to their hearts.

Naturalist - Loving God Out of Doors:The naturalist seeks to leave the formal architecture and the padded pews to enter an entirely new "cathedral", a place that God himself has built: the out-of-doors.

Fits me pretty well I'd say!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

One area of life that the Story looks at is our RELATIONSHIPS. There are two themes that are used to discuss relationships, one looking at individual one-on-one relationships, and the other addressing relationships within a group. You scored very high in the INTER-PERSONAL theme that describes a person's tendency for developing trusting, one-to-one relationships. Those who are strong in this theme are perceived as friendly and approachable. They can instinctively recognize and appreciate the uniqueness of each relationship, and they affirm the goodness they see in others. Some qualities that you may possess include: a respect for each person as an individual; a desire to get to know people in order to be helpful to them; a non-judgmental stance in relationships; an ability to support others on an emotional level, an ability to build friendship in a short period of time.Alyssa, another area the Story looks at is our SPIRITUALITY, how our experience of being in relationship with God may affect our lives. This area of spirituality is also divided into two areas, -- Belief and Mission. You scored well in the BELIEF theme, which describes the person’s sense of being in relationship with God and how that personal relationship affects their daily living. Those very high in this theme, as you are, readily recognize God's presence in a variety of settings, especially in relationships with other people. They find themselves strengthened by times of prayer and personal reflection. God and their faith are priorities for them. I would suspect that much of your life is centered on Christ and the values of God’s reign. You likely: are attuned to the movements of God; have a sense of being connected to others through their spirituality; find your prayer giving perspective to life; and understand that God is our strength.You scored very well in the MISSION theme, which describes the person’s ability to minister and help others in a religious context. Those very high in this theme have a sense of being a disciple of Jesus and carrying on his work. They put their faith into action in meaningful ways. They receive satisfaction and joy from seeing other people's lives touched by their service to them. They see themselves and allow themselves to be instruments of God's love and peace. Some of these characteristics will likely apply to you: you enjoy making a difference in the world for God; you show a commitment and dedication to the Church; you share a love with others that is beyond your own; discussing religious issues comes naturally for you; you sense Jesus is present when you show compassion to others.Finally, the Story looks at some issues of LIFESTYLE, and how a person might be attracted to religious values in his or her life. You scored well in this Lifestyle theme. People high in this theme generally see importance in giving one's life for something larger than oneself to make a significant difference in the world. They enjoy the connections with others in a religious context. When this theme is very high, as it was for you, the person has the potential for enhancing community. It may indicate how satisfying life as a religious might be. Stability, commitment, and loyalty are probably highly valued in your life. Typically a very high score in this area indicates that: belonging to a community (of friends) is important to you; you want people to feel comfortable and welcomed around others; people are much more important to you than things; simplicity in life is something you strive for; and you like being identified as a ’good person’ -- as honest, caring, and committed.Alyssa, these results would be more refined and accurate with a personal interview, but I hope they are helpful to you in your discernment. Whatever path you choose, though, please use these talents for the good of others and the Church. They are not yours to keep.Alyssa, best wishes as you consider your future. I will remember you in prayer today!
Father John Regan
Joliet Diocese Vocation

“If God be your partner, make your plans LARGE.”

Friday, February 9, 2007

Truly...an indication or sign I think

So as I prepare for a retreat.....I have been praying for it and asking that the Lord send me a sign or a clear indication of which community He is calling me to....and I think slowly He is doing that and one happened this morning that I'd like to share. Keeping in mind that I'm praying 3 novenas....the first one was to St. Anthony of Padua (my favorite saint), now I'm on a novena to St. Dominic, and the last one will end the first day of the retreat...and that will be to St. Therese. So ...St. Anthony and St. Dominic I truly believe have been answering my novena.

I was talking with a friend of mine who is applying for the seminary this Fall in my hometown diocese and we were talking about religious vocations and the priesthood and I told him that I was discerning with two communities trying to figure out which one the Lord is calling me to and I told him that I was going on a retreat with the other community soon. (We had this discussion last night and I told him to check out the community's website) I wish not to disclose the community at this time for personal reasons...sorry! But I promise I will let you know as soon as I can, just keep me in prayer! And so....I had left my msn messenger on and came to it this morning and his response to having visited the website was:

i gotta tell ya it looks awsome. an order that has a marian devotion and that of the eucharist... i'm not sure there could be anything better.

And I just kind of paused....looked at the message again making sure that I had read it right... Sure enough! Why do I think this is a clear indication or sign from God...because the two things that hit me the deepest in my heart...for this one community....was Marian devotion....and that of the Eucharist!!!!!!! Those TWO things....Might I say...THANK YOU JESUS?! What do ya'll think? The other community I'm discerning with..doesn't have a daily *consecration* to Mary......therefore...that is why I love that the other community has a daily consecration prayer they say to Mary everyday!
I just wanted to share this because it brings great tears of joy and happiness into my heart. Please pray for my vocation...as I too pray for you all everyday. I will be on a silent retreat this weekend (not the retreat that I'm waiting for with the other community), but will spend this time in quiet Adoration with the Lord.

May God Bless You all,

P.S. Might I add.....that it is this communities 10th ANNIVESARY TODAY ...is that not even more of a sign from the good Lord Jesus Christ!!!!????

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Beauty of God's Grace

So I work at a daycare with 3-6 year olds in the morning hours and then in the afternoon its anywhere from pre kingergarten to 6th grade. Anyways...there is this one girl that really just inspires me of how well she behaves and how mature she is for her age being a 3rd grader.

So we sat down and we colored together...we were coloring Valentine's pictures. We started to talk...and the first thing she said was...you know I just never thought in the beginning that I would be friends with you since you are a *staff* member so to say.....but I'm glad that we are friends. I really like you. (I really didn't know how to respond to that, but it was so beautiful.) Then we just continued talking while we were coloring together and she had asked me for my phone number because she wanted to know what time American Idol was starting since we both LOVE the show and it's about the only show I watch....so we kind of have that bond there. So I gave it to her. Then she asked why I wasn't staying with my parents at home and instead staying with a family and babysitting...I told her because I'm working to pay off a student loan because I'm gonna be a Sister and she was asking if I was going to be working here...and I hesistated and said that I probably wouldn't be working here because I'll be entering. Her eyes...just LIT up like you wouldn't believe! She said...YOU ARE? With a huge smile on her face, but yet a little disappointment. I said...Yes, I'm gonna be a Sister....Then she asked well how are you going to be able to keep in contact...I said well I will write to you when I'm a Sister and you can write me back....She was just booming...she was so excited. You could tell that she was inspired. Then we talked about parents and divorce...don't ask how we got on this but she was just asking tons of questions...and I felt like that *spiritual* mother...that God is so desirely calling me to...I've been doing a novena to St. Anthony of Padua...for my vocation...and the last day for the novena is today...and I'd say this is one great sign of the Lord...renewing that *call* and desire in my heart to be a spiritual mother for those children. I just pondered and said...to myself you never know...that I may be the only one for that child...to be there to listen to there heart and answer those questions. And that I may be the only one that may seem to love and care for her. Before I left she gave me two hugs. Beautiful...God's grace of how through one child...He can bring about such a beautiful soul....and connect one to another me being the spiritual mother...and bringing one closer to Jesus. Thank you Jesus....for this beautiful day of GRACE.

My prayers to you all...
God Bless You....


Monday, January 29, 2007


I am doing 3 novena's starting today. Today I am starting with St. Anthony of Padua, after this one is completed I'm going to do one to St. Therese and then end with St. Dominic. I'm doing three...praying that God will CLEARLY show me where it is that He is calling me to. It's scheduled to end on a certain day and after it's all done I shall let you all know what I have received!

I desire to be a religious and to GIVE MY LIFE ENTIRELY to JESUS....come...fill my HEART with the Holy Spirit and HIS desire...show me LORD where it is you are specifically calling me to. Please send me a sign. THANK YOU JESUS.

Novena to St. Anthony of Padua

O wonderful St. Anthony,glorious on account of the fame of your miracles,and through the condescension of Jesusin coming in the form of a little child to rest in your arms,obtain for me of His bounty the gracewhich I ardently desire from the depths of my heart...
(State your intention here.)
You who were so compassionate toward miserable sinners,regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to you,but the glory of God that it may once again be magnifiedby the granting of the particular request...
(Request your intention here.)
which I now ask for with persevering earnestness.
Next, recite in honour of St. Anthony...
Our Father,Hail Mary,Glory Be to the Father.
Saint Anthony, pray for us!

O holy St. Anthony,gentlest of saints,your love for God and charity for his creaturesmade you worthy while on earth to possess miraculous powers.Miracles waited your word,which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.Encouraged by this thought,I implore you to obtain for me the favor I seek in this novena...
(State your intention here.)
The answer to my prayer may require a miracle;even so, you are the saint of miracles.O gentle and loving Saint Anthony,whose heart was ever full of human sympathy,whisper my petition into the ears of the Infant Jesus,who loved to be folded in your arms,and thee gratitude of my heart will always be yours.
Next, recite in honour of St. Anthony...
Our Father,Hail Mary,Glory Be to the Father.
Saint Anthony, pray for us!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Jesus MY Spouse

This is a poem I wrote...desiring to becoming Jesus' Spouse!

Scourging pains inside
trapped like a desert storm
Lord seeking
Open your scarred hands
To receive thy grace
To enter into your loving presence at thy pace
The narrow road only I follow
To wander to your holy land
To feel the tenderness love of thy hand
Lord my body yearns
To be your beautiful Spouse
In the court of your kingdom forever
In thy sacred house
My heart beating so fervently
As I look upon my Spouse
One whom I seek forever; forever in your house.

Inspirational Thoughts...God Bless YOU!

*Just when we think we've failed, we're actually in the middle of building up to a great success that's far more wonderful than we can imagine. It might not be the outcome we're expecting, it might not be in the direction we started, but it will happen if we listen to Jesus and try again.

*When someone mumbles, "Pray for me," do you put aside whatever you're doing and immediately pray with that person so that he or she feels affirmed and cared about? Anyone can develop a prayer ministry -- yes anyone! And the results (which are up to God, not you and how well you pray) will sometimes be downright miraculous. You have the same Jesus alive in you who worked miracles through Peter and John.

*We all have people in our lives whose behavior angers us. Righteous anger includes forgiveness; sinful anger wants vengeance. If we're walking down the aisle in Mass to receive Communion while refusing to love anyone, how can we love the Christ in the Eucharist, who has united himself to the community (that's what "communion" means) including that person with whom you're angry? How can we receive love while our hearts are closed to love?

*To ignore the need to heal from our anger is to stifle the Holy Spirit within us. We grow in the Spirit when we accept the difficult challenge of humbling ourseleves so that we can give love to those who don't deserve our love. It's up to you. Do you want to grow?

May God continue to pour forth HIS grace into your hearts...may HE fill you with HIS everlasting love!

My Love for JESUS!

I wrote this during Adoration one day in front of the Blessed Sacrament....

O'Lord your love is so beautiful...as beautiful as your adorned Bride ever so fervently awaiting to be welcomed into your holy place as a beLoved religious sister. Oh how my heart longs to be with you. May your sweet gentle kisses embrace me ever more. The burning desire in my heart to touch your holy face....to be united in your forever....married as one Bride of Christ in your kingdom forever!My lips love to adore your holy name. My lips sing praises to your name. Ahh...Jesus love r of my soul...will you so desire to take my hand and place it upon your lips so I can feel your run through my body. Ah....what joy could ever be so unexplainable. Your mercy so tender for such a terrible sinner as I Lord how unbelievable your unconditional is for me, but not just for me for everyone...For God so love d the world that he gave His only betgotten Son, that whoever believes in me may have eternal life. Wow...Jesus their are no such beautiful words then UNCONDITIONAL...to explain your love , sacrifice, mercy, honor, patients, grace...oh how the list is unending. Lord take me as I am, take it all, I'd sacrifice anything to be your BRIDE!