Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Inspirational Thoughts...God Bless YOU!

*Just when we think we've failed, we're actually in the middle of building up to a great success that's far more wonderful than we can imagine. It might not be the outcome we're expecting, it might not be in the direction we started, but it will happen if we listen to Jesus and try again.

*When someone mumbles, "Pray for me," do you put aside whatever you're doing and immediately pray with that person so that he or she feels affirmed and cared about? Anyone can develop a prayer ministry -- yes anyone! And the results (which are up to God, not you and how well you pray) will sometimes be downright miraculous. You have the same Jesus alive in you who worked miracles through Peter and John.

*We all have people in our lives whose behavior angers us. Righteous anger includes forgiveness; sinful anger wants vengeance. If we're walking down the aisle in Mass to receive Communion while refusing to love anyone, how can we love the Christ in the Eucharist, who has united himself to the community (that's what "communion" means) including that person with whom you're angry? How can we receive love while our hearts are closed to love?

*To ignore the need to heal from our anger is to stifle the Holy Spirit within us. We grow in the Spirit when we accept the difficult challenge of humbling ourseleves so that we can give love to those who don't deserve our love. It's up to you. Do you want to grow?

May God continue to pour forth HIS grace into your hearts...may HE fill you with HIS everlasting love!