Friday, February 9, 2007 indication or sign I think

So as I prepare for a retreat.....I have been praying for it and asking that the Lord send me a sign or a clear indication of which community He is calling me to....and I think slowly He is doing that and one happened this morning that I'd like to share. Keeping in mind that I'm praying 3 novenas....the first one was to St. Anthony of Padua (my favorite saint), now I'm on a novena to St. Dominic, and the last one will end the first day of the retreat...and that will be to St. Therese. So ...St. Anthony and St. Dominic I truly believe have been answering my novena.

I was talking with a friend of mine who is applying for the seminary this Fall in my hometown diocese and we were talking about religious vocations and the priesthood and I told him that I was discerning with two communities trying to figure out which one the Lord is calling me to and I told him that I was going on a retreat with the other community soon. (We had this discussion last night and I told him to check out the community's website) I wish not to disclose the community at this time for personal reasons...sorry! But I promise I will let you know as soon as I can, just keep me in prayer! And so....I had left my msn messenger on and came to it this morning and his response to having visited the website was:

i gotta tell ya it looks awsome. an order that has a marian devotion and that of the eucharist... i'm not sure there could be anything better.

And I just kind of paused....looked at the message again making sure that I had read it right... Sure enough! Why do I think this is a clear indication or sign from God...because the two things that hit me the deepest in my heart...for this one community....was Marian devotion....and that of the Eucharist!!!!!!! Those TWO things....Might I say...THANK YOU JESUS?! What do ya'll think? The other community I'm discerning with..doesn't have a daily *consecration* to Mary......therefore...that is why I love that the other community has a daily consecration prayer they say to Mary everyday!
I just wanted to share this because it brings great tears of joy and happiness into my heart. Please pray for my I too pray for you all everyday. I will be on a silent retreat this weekend (not the retreat that I'm waiting for with the other community), but will spend this time in quiet Adoration with the Lord.

May God Bless You all,

P.S. Might I add.....that it is this communities 10th ANNIVESARY TODAY that not even more of a sign from the good Lord Jesus Christ!!!!????